Topics of Interest
Artificial Intelligence
AL Learning and Education
Artificial Intelligence
Biometric Identification
Biocomputing and Bioinformatics
Computational Intelligence
Cognitive Processing
Computer Vision
Deep learining
Document Recognition and Understanding
Humanoid Robot
Intelligent Information Processing
Intelligent Modeling and Control Theory
Intelligent Vehicle
Intelligent Video Surveillance
Machine Learning
Mass Information Processing
Multimedia Information Processing
Nature Language Processing
Nonlinear System
Pattern Recognition
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Space Robot
Speech and Character Recognition
Signal Processing
Unmanned Aircraft
Word Recognition
Computer Science
Automation of Circuit Design
Algorithm Design and Complexity Analysis
Computation Theory
Computational Social Science
Computer Algorithm
Computer Architecture
Computer Networking
Computer Graphics
Complex Network
Digital Publishing and Printing
Distributed System
Database System
Data Mining
Digital Image Processing Techniques
Formalization Method
Glyph Computing
Information Processing
Information Security
Knowledge Engineering
Management Science
Modern Control Theory
Nonlinear Science
Nonclassical logic and fuzzy computer systems
Neural Network
Reliability Theory
Software Verification
System Science
Software Engineering
Ubiquitous Computing
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Architecture and Systems
Cloud Computing Models, Simulations, Designs, and Paradigms
Cloud Management and Operations
Cloud Computing Technologies, Services and Applications
Dynamic Resource Provision and Consuming
Big Data
Big Data Architectures
Big Data Learning and Education
Big Data Management
Big Data Models and Algorithms
Big Data Security and Privacy
Big Data in Smart Cities
Big Data Search, Mining, and Visualization
Big Data Technologies, Services and Applications
Internet Of Things
3D printing
Architecture for secure and interactive IOT
Context-awareness and Location-awareness
Future of IOT and Big Data
Electronic Technologies for in-vehicle
Internet of Things
Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems
Intelligent Systems for IOT and Services Computing
Machine to Machine Communications
Mode-to-Mode Systems
Network Design and Architecture
Networking and Communication Protocols
Performance Evaluation and Modeling
Smart City Examples and Case Studies
Sensor Networks, Remote Diagnosis and Development
Social Implications for IOT
Security, Privacy and Trust
Software Architecture and Middleware
Technological focus for Smart Environments
Traffic Theory, Modeling and Simulation
Transportation Management
Transport Safety and Mobility
Mobile Web
Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with mobile & wireless Networks
Algorithms and modeling for tracking and locating mobile users
Broadband access networks
Complexity analysis of algorithms for mobile environments
Cryptography, security and privacy of mobile & wireless networks
Data management on mobile and wireless computing
Distributed algorithms of mobile computing
Energy saving protocols for ad hoc and sensor networks
Integration of wired and wireless networks
Information access in wireless networks
Mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
Online Engineering
OS and middleware support for mobile computing and networking
Performance of mobile and wireless networks and systems
Resource management in mobile, wireless and ad-hoc networks
Routing, and communication primitives in ad-hoc and sensor networks
Satellite communications
Service creation and management environments for mobile/wireless systems
Synchronization and scheduling issues in mobile and ad hoc networks
Wireless multimedia systems